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​Important Factors When Choosing a Home Aged Care Provider 

​Important Factors When Choosing a Home Aged Care Provider 

By Pauline Shinjo 
​Your loved one has given years of love, support and care to you and your family members. A way to show them your appreciation is to carefully look for and provide a home aged care service that would show the same love, support and care. There are many important factors to look at when searching for an aged care provider. Here we will highlight some factors that will help you in your decision-making process:

  1. Location – Ease of access and close proximity to senior residence.
  2. Reputation- Good reviews from past clients.
  3. Credentials- The service provider is able to show certification for passing government level standards of care.
  4. Services Available- Essential services and more are available at your request.
  5. Costs – A reasonable price that matches quality care services.
  6. Flexibility – The ability to change schedules according to the needs of clients.
  7. Professionalism – the ability to be prudent in decision making, realistic in ability to offer services and keeping client information confidential.

There are so many factors that will help you decide about your home aged care provider. These are a few that you can use to compare and contrast the options available to you. We at Family Love Homecare are available to answer any queries. We also take pride in providing excellent service of care to all our senior citizens. Our professionalism, flexibility, reputation with our clients and overall care will help ease your worries during this process. If we are unable to provide the service we may also be able to point you towards an option within your area or community.

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